Channel: Kaycee Rice
Category: Entertainment
Tags: justbeyoukayceechoreographerbeyoncehomecomingliveemotionalcontemporarydancericekayceericeicareicarehomecominglivextremedanceforcebeyoncehomecominglivedancerkayceericechoreography16yearsoldchoreographyweirdochicagodanceemotionaldancedancechicago
Description: I'm always trying to challenge myself and experience new feelings through movement. This dance, to me, was not only about power and having presence but about reaching out to someone going through tough time whether it be anxiety, stress, relationships, or any hardship. That person doesn't want to listen because they feel that they are alone. But I (we) care and don’t want to see that person we care about loose sight of who they are and what they could give to the world. We are all here for a reason; we all have a purpose in life. Unconditional love and a steady consistent drive to support one another is all the world needs. Hope you guys felt something and are inspired to continue to try something new and keep spreading positivity ♥️ Choreography by Kaycee Rice Song: #ICare (Homecoming Live) by Beyoncé **I do not own the rights to this music** Filmed by/at: @newpixelfilms @xtremedanceforce Follow me on Socials: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Youtube (2nd channel): Apparel: